Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Zen Baby: A Theatre Newsletter

The Zen Baby is a theatre newsletter set up as a sister website to www.zenbabytheatre.org!

I am so excited to start blogging ABOUT ZENBABY THEATRE COMPANY MEMBERS and the projects they are working on. They are encouraged to write in about upcoming plays, projects, essays, films, interesting subjects that relate to their theater activities. As for me, Lauren Cavanaugh, the Artistic Director of ZBT, this newsletter will get me journaling about my activities in the creative arts, and also serve as a place for me to post ideas about upcoming shows. I have taken a short hiatus from the theatre world, so I know that this newsletter will help me get my gears going again! (Its like starting an old fashioned automobile - a lot of cranking gears and waiting for the motor to start.)

SO Here goes nothing.

This is how I got the idea for this blog: I went home for Christmas this holiday vacation, and went to an informal high school reunion. They were all artistic people, because we all went to the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts back in 1994-1998. It was the only magnet school of its kind at the time! Anyhoo - they asked me what I was up to recently, since last year around this time I had about three productions under my belt and was going to start my fourth. Those shows included Nunchuck Ninja Nuns at the 13th Street Rep, A short play called Head Games which I directed, and the first two showcases for ZBT, including my favorite, Naughty & Nice Cabaret. I also spearheaded with the help of Phil Newsom "Land of the Babydolls" and later in the year we did a Sock Hop showcase, and Lovers & Thieves by Sem Megson. A lot got accomplished in 2008-2009.

So when my classmates asked me what I was doing lately, and I didn't have much to say.... because I was on a mental vacation.... I felt (how do I put this) still unaccomplished even though I had done a lot, just because I hadn't been doing anything theatre related in December 2009! Silly, I know, but it felt true!

So now, after watching the brilliant film, Julie & Julia, I decided to start a theatre blog to help me get my creative juices flowing again, and to also promote what my company members are doing - because those brilliant people are always doing something good! Please feel free to comment, leave funny notes, or share! Wish me luck! XOXOXO